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Entirely Unique

By: Rhonda Keagy

February 2023

breast thermography screening

In thermography, no two breasts are the same as anyone else’s breasts. Your breast heat patterning, seen in thermography screening, is as unique to you as your thumbprint. Thus, the reason why a two-part baseline screening is needed initially is to establish you as an annual screener for breast thermography. Once a second set of images is viewed in conjunction with the first, a determination is made on whether there is a match to the heat patterning between them that can establish a solid baseline. That baseline is then used for comparison every time you repeat your imaging whether it is the recommended annual screening or if you have not been seen for a screening in 10 years! How amazing that your body can be viewed non-invasively in this manner to monitor your long-term health and enable you to reach your personal health goals your entire life!

Just as thermography can see a unique mapping of your heat pattern, your physical thumbprint also makes you entirely unique as no one else will ever have the same print as you! In her newly published devotional, Melissa Horvath observes that “God made you unique - just the way you are. There are days when we do not feel like we are good enough, but isn’t it wonderful to think that we were each uniquely created by the One Most High? He planned for you specifically even before you were born! He knew you would have many wonderful accomplishments, along with not-so-good times. He made you different from everyone else on purpose. Just think – He could have created a world where everyone looked and acted the same, be He didn’t.

We have all been given different talents and special unique characteristics. There was never anyone like you ever before, and there never will be again. God chose you to live now, in this time, in this season, and He has many great purposes for you. How awesome is that?

As His child, you bring Him such joy. How are you using your individual characteristics and interests for good? Give some thought to what it is that you are good at or what gifts you have been given. How can you use those in your daily life, work life, or family life? What part of you can you share with the world – even right in your own home – to create happiness? When you are aligned with God, using the gifts He gave you to share His love, you will find that life falls into place and that peace and balance will reside in your heart.” What better way to create good health and harmony in your soul just as you strive for optimal health in your body?

Psalm 139:14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well.


Horvath, M., (2021) You Got This: 90 Devotions to Equip + Empower Hardworking Women. Siloam Springs, AR: Dayspring Publishing.

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